Retreat Overview:
Join us for a heart-expanding 3.5 day retreat designed to transform your mind, body, emotions and spirit by experiencing a blend of conscious ascension tools and emotional transformation techniques . . . all while nestled in a quiet, country valley, surrounded by soul-inspiring Rocky Mountain vistas! Participants will feel nourished exploring a rich tapestry of modalities that honor many meditation traditions (silent, moving, guided and music), gentle restorative yoga, qi gong, quantum sound baths, and nature outings.
Our retreat speaks to those whom . . . sincerely desire to deepen and expand their spiritual practices . . . are open to experiencing feelings of connectedness, inner-stillness, an open-heart, presence, a simple sense of joy, cleared brain noise, clarity and gratitude . . . and are excited to gain practical tools for living well, and igniting a fresh life perspective.
You will be provided the opportunity to dramatically and positively shift your life as you receive illuminating insights that can really change EVERYTHING!
Retreat Cost:
For any questions or communications, please email

Exponentially Increase JOY
Embrace Infinite POSSIBILITIES
Realize Your TRUE Nature !
Our Past Retreats . . .

What You Will Experience:
This multi-sensory retreat is co-led by seasoned practitioners who weave together a unique blend of activities offering a healthy balance of introspection, movement, authentic heart connection, and spiritual re-alignment with nature and all sentient beings. Below is a sampling of our retreat menu:
– A variety of meditation instruction and practices (e.g., concentration, inquiry, manifestation, awareness, loving kindness)
– Emotional exercises
– Voice Dialog: a method for strengthening the center by giving inner voices their space
– The Demartini Method®: a tool for dissolving emotional charges
– Mondo Zen®: a dialectic practice of deepening consciousness through Zen Koans
– Conscious embodiment practices
– Gentle Restorative Yoga: centering of the breath & body, aligning the physical & mental
– Qi Gong: an ancient form of movement meditation
– Daison: Brief, informal, face-to-face interviews with Kensho Len Silverson
– Quantum Vibrational Sound Baths with Tibetan singing bowls
Who Should Attend:
Our deeply relaxing and restorative retreat is ideal for 'awake' souls whom actively seek to BE the Light on our planet and are committed to higher consciousness living and exploring expanded vibrational frequencies. We welcome professional holistic, wellness and spiritual practitioners, as well as students.
Participants should be 18 years or older and well versed in spiritual thinking, personal responsibility, and creating your own powerful realities.
Extensive meditation and yoga experience is not necessary, as there will be appropriate guidance throughout our time together.
Please note: This is a guide and may be modified during the retreat. Periodically, there may be a check-in with the teachers.
The conscious embodiment practices (Yoga and Qi Gong) are very gentle exercises. They are designed as meditative, relaxing movements, and they are not in any way harsh or aggressive. These practices help assist the meditation and are meditative in their own practice.
5-5:30pm – Registration, get settled
5:30-6pm – Retreat logistics
6-6:30pm – Meditation techniques, questions, and intentions
6:30-7:30pm – Dinner
7:30-8pm – Meditation
8-8:30pm – Conscious Embodiment ~ Qi Gong
8:30-8:45pm – Meditation
8:45-9pm – Group close
7-8am – Breakfast
8-8:30am – Meditation
8:30am-9:30am – Conscious Embodiment ~ Yoga
9:30-10:15am – Break and/or Practice on your own*
10:15-10:45am – Meditation
10:45am-11:15am – Conscious Embodiment ~ Qi Gong
11:15-11:30am – Meditation
11:30am-Noon – Break and/or Practice on your own*
Noon-1:30 – Lunch
1:30-2pm – Meditation
2-2:45pm – Conscious Embodiment ~ Qi Gong
2:45-3pm – Break and/or Practice on your own*
3-3:30pm – Meditation
3:30-5:30pm – Emotional/psychological tools workshop
5:30-6:00pm – Break and/or Practice on your own*
6-7pm – Dinner
7-7:30pm – Meditation
7:30-8pm – Conscious Embodiment ~ Qi Gong
8:00-8:30pm – Meditation
8:30-8:45pm – Conscious Embodiment ~ Qi Gong
8:45-9pm – Group close
7-8am – Breakfast
8-8:30am – Meditation
8:30am-9:30am – Conscious Embodiment ~ Yoga
9:30-10:15am – Break and/or Practice on your own*
10:15-10:45am – Meditation
10:45am-11am – Conscious Embodiment ~ Qi Gong
11am-11:30 – Meditation
11:30-noon – Break and/or Practice on your own*
Noon-1:30pm – Lunch
1:30-2pm – Meditation
2-3pm – Conscious Embodiment ~ Yoga
3-3:30pm – Meditation
3:30-3:45pm – Break and/or Practice on your own*
3:45-5:45pm – Emotional/psychological tools workshop
5:45-6pm – Break and/or Practice on your own*
6-7pm – Dinner
7:00-7:30pm – Meditation
7:30-8:30pm – Conscious Embodiment ~ Qi Gong
8:30-8:45pm – Meditation
8:45-9pm – Group close
7-8am – Breakfast
8-8:30am – Meditation
8:30am-9:30am – Conscious Embodiment ~ Yoga
9:30-10am – Meditation
10-10:30 – Break and/or Practice on your own*
10:30 -11am – Meditation
11-11:15am – Conscious Embodiment ~ Qi Gong
11:15-11:45 – Gentle Yoga
11:45-noon – Break and/or Practice on your own*
Noon-1:30pm – Lunch
1:30-2pm – Meditation
2-2:15pm – Conscious Embodiment ~ Qi Gong
2:15-4pm – Emotional/psychological tools workshop
4-5pm – Insights/sharing
5-6pm – Cleanup
6pm-7:30pm – Dinner
7:30pm – Retreat close
If you are interested in applying for this retreat
please email for more information
Past Retreat Comments
'My experience of the last retreat was moving, enlightening, and one that I would recommend to anyone looking for peace and connectedness in their lives.'
-- Peter Leider, President, DREN LLC
'I definitely felt a shift - grounded and present - after the 3 day silent meditation retreat offered by Len. The combination of meditation, yoga and Qi gong was superb. It was a wonderful experience.'
-- Gail Chodera, Yoga instructor and massage therapist
'My meditation weekend with Len Silverston exceeded all expectations. Len's mastery and patience helped me learn about meditation and about myself.'
--Michael Potts, Executive Chairman, AXIOM
'The last retreat was exquisite. I am a big fan of Len and his gift of being a genuinely loving human being! His deep and broad knowledge of meditation practices from across multiple spiritual domains bring a supportive space that encourages me to find comfort in choosing my path of existence. Inevitably, I always leave Len's events feeling connected, more aware of what I don’t know and a smile on my face remembering not to take myself too seriously.'
--Cec Ortiz, former deputy director, City & County of Denver
Click to see one of our participant's blog posts describing retreat
See Testimonials below for more comments
Kensho Len Silverston
Len Silverston is a corporate and personal mindfulness facilitator, coach, and internationally recognized human behavior and technology consultant.
He is a fully ordained Zen priest, mediation teacher, and spiritual leader and provides training, coaching, workshops, and retreats through his organization, 'Zen With Len'. He earned the honored spiritual name "Kensho" by a master, that he is widely recognized by in his community and spiritual gatherings.
He is a best-selling author and teacher and has lectured around the world on human behavior and technology. He has published 3 books on ‘Universal Data Models’ (see and dozens of articles. He has written articles on spirituality including 'Change Your Mind' and 'The Illusion of Loss' interview which can be found on his web site
Kensho's mission is to ‘raise consciousness’.
Kensho Len Silverston has studied and taught various forms of spiritual practices and life development skills for over twenty-five years. He has studied and practiced Vipassana meditation (taught by S. N. Goenka) starting in 1989 and has spent hundreds of days in silent, intensive, beginning and advanced Vipassana retreats, most of them with over 10 hours of meditation per day.
In 2004, he began practicing Zen intensely with Hollow Bones, attending and staffing dozens of retreats, many times as the meditation leader of the retreat, and was fully ordained as a Zen Priest in 2011 by Roshi Junpo Dennis Kelly.
In addition, he has studied many other forms of spirituality including numerous retreats and workshops at the Upaya Zen Center, the Great Mountain Zen Center, Meditation Society at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, numerous studies in Korea studying Kouk Sun Do meditation techniques, and a 10 day Wilderness Fast retreat.
Kensho has studied various forms of martial arts including practicing Aikido for the past 12 years where he earned the rank of 'Yudansha' (the only level of black belt in his school), and Tae Kwon Do for 6 years. He wrote the forward for the book, 'Inner Bushido' by Sean Hannon.
Kensho provides ongoing ”Zen With Len” meditation sessions and spiritual teaching/coaching. He works one-on-one with people using a variety of transformational processes including Mondo Zen, voice dialogue, and spiritual coaching. Kensho Len has given many spiritual talks for various organizations - for instance, giving the sermon for the High Holiday services at the National Jewish Hospital congregation, a service that has taken place for over 100 years.
Retreat Testimonials